The Change for Children International
Join our journey. The Change is here….
The Change for Children International was founded four years ago. It is a global collaboration of thought leaders dedicated to finding and creating solutions for ALL children’s issues.
We have now held 33 online conferences with 36 high profile global professionals on the screen at the last conference on 10 December 2024. The organisation is made up of over 160 global experts in law, education, psychology, DV, training and academia, and there are 7 working departments dedicated to creating change.
We were active in the House of Lords for the DA Bill 2021, and are currently driving the understanding of parental alienation/alienating behaviours and perpetrator behaviours forwards after the recent publication of the statutory guidance for the DA Act 2021 in the UK.
Our Super Board is a collaboration of 21 different organisations and experts including The Mankind Initiative, University of Cumbria, University of West London, WhistleblowersUK, and Find My Parent, to name a few. These members contribute to our Executive Leadership Team which comprises the Senior Management Team and Senior Policy Advisers. If you are a professional and would like to contribute, wherever you are in the world, please get in touch. If you are looking for support and signposting please also get in touch via the ‘Contact’' details on the website.
It’s about time for The Change…
See our exciting newsreel below...!
We do different… Imagine a world where ALL children are joyful..?
We create change by developing solutions that help families access the support they need to protect their children
Diary of an Alienated Dad
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